Have A Nice Day Said Garry Clark…

Season: 6
Episode: 23 and 24 (Episode Twenty-Four is a continuation)
“Sanctuary” and “Death and All His Friends”

Have A Nice Day
Said Garry Clark…

Hey guys, isn't it a beautiful day to save lives?

Talk about an episode where we were all on the edges of our seats with our jaws open wide – you guys already know that’s what I was doing! 

I mean, talk about that ultimatum Cristina gave Owen - chose a woman on the spot, “Do you love Teddy, or do you love me?” What a decision! Too bad he chose the wrong woman.


At least we had some good news in this episode, Meredith and Derek got married! Mr. and Mrs. Derek Shepherd! There’s such a magnificent ring it. Their children will grow up to be Harper-Avery Award winning surgeons.

Before we continue with discussing the major issue that occurred in episode twenty-three and twenty-four, I just want to inform those who don’t know whom Garry Clark is. Gary Clark is a widower who lost his wife due to cancer. There were complications with the surgery that forced Dr. Shepherd to take her off life support, she signed three D.N.R forms prior to death stating that if something would ever happen, to take her off life support and to call time of death.

Credits to https://gifer.com/en/U0WC

Gary chose to look at this unfortunate outcome as murder rather than what his wife desired. He later proceeded with filing a lawsuit which was a useless waste of time. Which finally led to a hospital shooting, hoping to kill Dr. Shepherd, Lexie Grey and Dr. Webber, the doctors present during Mrs. Clark's operation.

Till next blog :)


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