"I Lost My Shoe"

Season 8
Episode 24

I Lost My Shoe!
- Cristina 

Hey guys! Welcome back,

Isn’t it a beautiful day to save lives?

This show will never be the same without Mark Sloan’s charming statements. 

Credit: Grey's Anatomy

Arizona lost her leg, Meredith lost her sister and "McDreamy" A.K.A. Derek lost his best friend – Mark Sloan.

 Oh, your confused?

 Don’t you worry :)

A devastating tragedy that forever affected our almost perfect doctors. 

Within 1:58 min of this episode, we automatically grasp the serious event that had just occurred. 

Thanks to Doctor Yang, whom made it obvious that the plane they were on had crashed.

While I was watching this episode, my first thoughts were that MerDer (Meredith and Derek's ship name) were finished because Derek had died in the plane crash. 

However, he proves he’s a hero yet again and fights to stay alive.

Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan are the perfect examples to show that in life we can’t waste time.

We can not put work above family and friends. 

In addition, another crucial lesson is that if you love someone to let them know before it’s too late and your stuck under a plane with minutes left of your almost perfect life.

These doctors are truly heroes, using matches and a straw they
 were able to save Mark for another week, while he grieves the loss of his lover.

That’s all the juicy information I have for this episode…

Till Next Blog :) 


  1. Very easy read! More and more curious about what happens next in the show...


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