Recap of previous blog: “I Would’ve Loved You No Matter What”

Recap of previous blog: “I Would’ve Loved You No Matter What”

Welcome back everyone!

 For those who are new to my weekly blogs, let me summarize the content. This blog focus on the award-winning television show “Grey’s Anatomy.” Every week consists of a summary of an iconic episode or my favorite scenes from certain episodes. Followed by my descriptive opinion. Therefore, let’s begin! 

To be honest , before Meredith and Dereck becoming a couple, Izzie and Alex were my all-time favorite couple! The way they looked at each other made my heart happy, the way they comforted each other made me have hope that good guys like Alex do exist. So, at the end of the episode where we thought she passed away, I was such an emotional wreck. I thought Lexlie (Alex and Izzie’s ship name) was over. Don’t read this next sentence, if you’re not into spoilers: IZZIE DIDN’T DIE!

I felt so bad for Izzie when she woke up from surgery and Alex started to make dozens of cue cards, so she could’ve remembered the answers to her questions. Since, she kept on repeating herself for a while. Don’t worry, our Izzie Stevens is a warrior! By luck, she remembered something nasty that Alex said to her, everything came rushing back, and she didn’t need her dollar-store cue-cards anymore.

From episode one, Miranda Bailey A.K.A “Nazi” treated her residents with major disciple and with a lot of love. Without going too much into detail, she saved the lives of all her residents (excluding O’Malley) – Grey drowned, Yang got a piece of ice in her chest, Izzie had stage four cancer, and Alex got shot in season 6 by Garry Clark. All this to prove, they were like her children. She raised them for five years and counting. All this to say, imaging the pain she had to go through seeing her newborn resident going through hell with the cancer, including having O’Malley die, the day when he resigned his residency to join the army with Owen Hunt.
All in all, I am so grateful Izzie didn’t pass away, I saved a bunch of money on Kleenex!

Till next blog :)


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