"So Long, Bye Bye!"

Hey guys, welcome back!

Isn't it a beautiful day to save lives?

Guys, I know I promised you guys a Jackson and April blog but...


April Fools

Credit: https://tenor.com/search/april-fools-day-gifs
Even though, we're thirteen days late.. come on I hope you laughed at this.. I am cracking up at my own joke! Natalia wrote that but she isn't wrong.

Things are going to be a little different in this blog. It isn't our usual summary then opinion blogs. This blog is going to be straight forward and dedicated to the characters of this iconic show! Then with a heart-warming message to say bye bye.. the time has come where its time to give a virtual hug and move on! All good things come to an end, including this journey of blogs :(

The order isn't going to be random but by couples..

Let's start!


I apologize in advance for all the gifs but I am probably never going to use Grey's Anatomy gifs, sooo yeah. Oh, I forgot to mention, it won't be 10000 words for each couple but a short summary of what happens to them in the seasons to come.

Firstly, Meredith and Derek: The main character becomes a twin of her deceased mother. She won a Harper-Avery Award. She has three kids, Zola, Ellis, and Bailey. Life threw her some crazy curve balls but she dodged them every time and managed to become stronger in the process. Now, for her soulmate - Derek Shepherd, he sadly passes away later in the show. He was a proud father and managed to get Meredith pregnant before died.


Secondly: Cristina Yang and Owen Hunt: Cristina moves to Switerzland to inherit Dr. Burke's (former fiance) hospital. Owen resigns as Chief of the hospital and married Derek's sister, Amelia.


Thirdly, Alex Karev and Jo Wilson: This couple lasted still season 14 (I'm not 100% sure about season 15) Alex is probably my favorite actor throughout this show! His sensitivity, his boldness and the way he treats Jo is honestly perfect. Yes, he did things he probably shouldn't have done; I will forever say that he did it out of love. This couple grows through the show, from doctors to friends, to best friends, to lovers, to husband and wife! *excuse my heart exploding*


As I previously mentioned, all good things must come to an end! Thank you to everything who read these blogs. It's safe to say I'm officially fed of this show LOL thanks sir

Remember, it is always a beautiful day to save lives! 



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