Recap of previous blog: "Have a nice day... said Gary Clark"

Hey guys,

Isn’t it a beautiful day to save lives?

What opinion can I have on such two emotional episodes? After two devastating, tragic, overwhelming  and heartbreaking episodes, I think we need some good news that we can have a sigh of relief? I don't want to base this blog on the killer, Gary Clark but I wanted to give the people, whom are sitting on the edges of their seats a chance to feel relieved that they know what is coming ahead.

Heads up, these are a couple of spoilers so we don’t stop watching this show!

  • ü  Alex Karev is a true warrior – he survived Gary Clark’s bullet.
    ü  Owen and Cristina end up getting married and have an extraordinary bond throughout their marriage. Haha too much of a spoiler for you to handle? ;) 
    ü  Derek and Meredith get married and have three beautiful children.

I think by now, we all know what a sucker I am for romance. Therefore, I obviously skipped the scene where I thought the greatest love story – Meredith and Derek were over. As my heart fell into my stomach and tears were flowing down my face, I took a deep breath and sighed; I can finally say that their love story can continue blooming.

I was so relieved when I found out that Bailey lied to the shooter and said she wasn’t a surgeon and but a nurse. After losing O'Malley and Izzie, I couldn't handle if we would have lost Bailey as well.

I am so glad everyone was safe and alive - besides the surgeons from Mercy West. However, they had only been in the show for a couple of episodes. To be honest, I don’t remember their names.

That’s all I have to say for this blog!

Till next blog :)


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