
Showing posts from March, 2019

Recap of "I Lost My Shoe!"

Hey guys,  Isn't it a beautiful day to save lives? This blog is an opinion piece on the last blog from season 8, episode 24... “The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed beyond the breaking point." I never thought how true that statement was till this episode. Us, being the audience got to truly witness each doctor on that plane go through the best and definitely the worst experiences of their lives. Owen Hunt is one of the sweetest doctors on the show, the way he always cared for Cristina and every doctor on this show.  This proves he never had a malicious conscience while deciding to make the doctors use that plane, which had previously crashed a while ago.  However, can you truly persecute him for saving the hospital a couple hundred dollars? Credit to C.T.V. Throughout this episode, we see disgusting and graphic things.  To start off with, we see Dr. Shep

"I Lost My Shoe"

Season 8 Episode 24 “Flight” I Lost My Shoe! - Cristina  Hey guys! Welcome back, Isn’t it a beautiful day to save lives? This show will never be the same  without Mark Sloan’s charming statements.  Credit: Grey's Anatomy .  Arizona lost her leg, Meredith lost her sister and " McDreamy" A.K.A. Derek lost his best friend – Mark Sloan.   Oh, your confused?  Don’t you worry :) A devastating tragedy that forever affected our almost perfect doctors.  Within 1:58 min of this episode, we automatically grasp the serious  event that had just occurred.  Thanks to Doctor Yang, whom made it obvious that the plane they were on had crashed. While  I was watching this episode, my first thoughts were that MerDer (Meredith and Derek's ship name) were finished because Derek had died in the plane crash.  However, he proves he’s a hero yet again and fights to stay alive. Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan are the perfect examples to

Recap of previous blog: "Have a nice day... said Gary Clark"

Hey guys, Isn’t it a beautiful day to save lives? What opinion can I have on such two emotional episodes? After two devastating, tragic, overwhelming   and heartbreaking episodes, I think we need some good news that we can have a sigh of relief? I don't want to base this blog on the killer, Gary Clark but I wanted to give the people, whom are sitting on the edges of their seats a chance to feel relieved that they know what is coming ahead. Heads up, these are a couple of spoilers so we don’t stop watching this show! ü   Alex Karev is a true warrior – he survived Gary Clark’s bullet. ü   Owen and Cristina end up getting married and have an extraordinary bond throughout their marriage. Haha too much of a spoiler for you to handle? ;)  ü   Derek and Meredith get married and have three beautiful children. credits: I think by now, we all know what a sucker I am for romance. Therefore, I obviously skipped the scene where I thought the greatest lo

Have A Nice Day Said Garry Clark…

Season: 6 Episode: 23 and 24 (Episode Twenty-Four is a continuation) “Sanctuary” and “Death and All His Friends” Have A Nice Day Said Garry Clark… Hey guys, isn't it a beautiful day to save lives? Talk about an episode where we were all on the edges of our seats with our jaws open wide – you guys already know that’s what I was doing!  I mean, talk about that ultimatum Cristina gave Owen - chose a woman on the spot, “Do you love Teddy, or do you love me?” What a decision! Too bad he chose the wrong woman. Credits: At least we had some good news in this episode, Meredith and Derek got married! Mr. and Mrs. Derek Shepherd! There’s such a magnificent ring it. Their children will grow up to be Harper-Avery Award winning surgeons. Before we continue with discussing the major issue that occurred in episode

Recap of previous blog: “I Would’ve Loved You No Matter What”

Recap of previous blog: “I Would’ve Loved You No Matter What” Welcome back everyone!   For those who are new to my weekly blogs, let me summarize the content. This blog focus on the award-winning television show “Grey’s Anatomy.” Every week consists of a summary of an iconic episode or my favorite scenes from certain episodes. Followed by my descriptive opinion. Therefore, let’s begin!   To be honest , before Meredith and Dereck becoming a couple, Izzie and Alex were my all-time favorite couple! The way they looked at each other made my heart happy, the way they comforted each other made me have hope that good guys like Alex do exist. So, at the end of the episode where we thought she passed away, I was such an emotional wreck. I thought Lexlie (Alex and Izzie’s ship name) was over. Don’t read this next sentence, if you’re not into spoilers: IZZIE DIDN’T DIE! I felt so bad for Izzie when she woke up from surgery and Alex started to make dozens of cue cards,

“I Would’ve Loved You No Matter What”

        Season: 5 Episode: 24 T itle of this episode: Now or Never “I Would’ve Loved You No Matter What”   Before we talk about the incident that had us up all on the edges of our seats, lets recap this episode for those who haven’t seen it. The episode begins with everyone relieved when Izzie wakes up from brain surgery. However, it isn’t all lilies and dandelions when she wakes up. Her memory is a little groggy, as she kept on repeating the same questions, Izzie regains her memory without repeating herself! Now, let’s all take a moment and remember George O’Malley. At least he died saving someone – a true definition of a doctor, putting their patients lives first. Geez, Izzie almost passed away and O’Malley sadly died, which made Bailey have major panic attack. I mean after all, she almost lost two residents in one day. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.  Now! Let’s talk about the incident that had us up all on the edges of our seats! What was Izzie thinking, s